Backing up Prometheus using TSDB Snapshots : Kubernetes/OpenShift

Karan Singh
2 min readMay 12, 2021

These are my quick-and-dirty brain-dump notes to myself on how to backup prometheus database running on k8s or OpenShift

  • Get Token for API Authentication and Prometheus API Route URL
oc whoami -t
oc get route -n openshift-monitoring | grep -i prometheus
  • Run sample curl request

curl -ks -H ‘Authorization: Bearer 0za4LjX9xPcqDjhWaufkgcQGo4grqA7ws4zvHrqgfY4’ ‘' | python -m json.tool
  • Create TSDB Snapshot
curl -X ‘POST’ -ks -H ‘Authorization: Bearer 0za4LjX9xPcqDjhWaufkgcQGo4grqA7ws4zvHrqgfY4’ ‘' | python -m json.tool
  • You might get an error, so you first need to enable Admin APIs
“error”: “Admin APIs are disabled”,
“message”: “Admin APIs are disabled”,
“code”: 14
  • Enable AdminAPI
oc -n openshift-monitoring patch prometheus k8s \
— type merge — patch ‘{“spec”:{“enableAdminAPI”:true}}’
  • Verify Admin API is enabled
oc describe po prometheus-k8s-1 | grep -i admin



Karan Singh

Co-Founder & CTO @ Scogo ♦ I Love to solve problems using Tech