Web Terminal : One more reason to ❤️ OpenShift

Karan Singh
2 min readJan 12, 2022


OpenShift Web Terminal : Dead Simple

WTF (What The Fun) 😎

Getting started with Kubernetes and you heard about OpenShift ? what if tell you that you don’t need to download client packages on your local machine like kubectl, oc, kn , tkn and many more to interact with your OpenShift cluster ?

Well OpenShift Web Terminal Operator, provides you an integrated web terminal directly into your OpenShift Console

Work on CLI the GUI way 🧑‍💻 — Karan Singh

If you already have a OpenShift cluster, my recommendation is to install the web terminal operator and enjoy the integrated CLI


Step — 1 : Install the OWT Operator

  • 🧑‍💻 ➡ Login to OpenShift Console ➡ Operator ➡ Operator Hub ➡ 🔍 ➡ “Web Terminal” ➡ Install ➡ Wait for It ⌚️
  • Verify : Operator ➡ Installed Operators
  • Top Right : Click on the Terminal ICON

Step — 2 : You are Done

  • Nothing actually you are all set 😉


C‘ mon , man get yourself some web terminal 🙌



Karan Singh

Co-Founder & CTO @ Scogo ♦ I Love to solve problems using Tech